Monday, December 9, 2013

Achtung Panzer!

Welcome to Armor Werkstatt! This is the maiden post of my very first blog.

 Call me a late bloomer.

The impetus for this blog came from all the interest expressed over my current project: building a 3:5 scale (60%) German Hetzer.  The most common question I get is, of course, why? Unfortunately it is probably the hardest to explain. If you ask a climber why they would want to risk their life climbing a mountain, a common answer is, "because it's there". I have discovered over the years that I have an innate desire to create things. This is coupled with my love of history. Also, I am a life long Tread Head. When I was but wee one, I loved tanks and everything about them. Later, when I was in the Army, I spent 9 years riding around in M1's. So when I am asked "why", I usually respond with "why not" or "doesn't everyone have their own tank?"

The second most common question is, "what are you going to do with it when your done?" To be completely honest, I have no idea what so ever. There are no plans beyond building it. It is something I want to do and I am having a great time doing it. Maybe I will terrorize the neighborhood with it, maybe I will sell it, maybe I will give it to a future grandchild and let them terrorize their parrents with it or maybe I will start playing paintball with it. As of right now, the future is not clear. All I know is I want to build the best looking, working tank I can.

For the uninitiated, this what a German Hetzer looks like....


  1. OK, in your garage? Can I come see it? - Big Bird

    1. Certainly. Your on my to call list anyways. It's past time I got back into gaming again. In fact, I put in for vacation for a particular week in June....
